All the Good Things for all

Bali Tourism For Change

Karma House Tattoo and Conscious Arts Tattoo owner, Aren Bahia takes Zeina Yazbek founder of All The Good Things to Yayasan Widya Gina in Ginayar, Bali near the world's wellness capital, Ubud. Aren has been supporting this cause for 7+ years now and we wanted to take a look at the beautiful children and volunteers who are helping these kids have a sense of purpose and community. To donate simply visit or find the direct link on our Instagram page @allthegoodthingsbali for your next travel venture and choose that the percentage of your booking goes to this specific charity.

Feel Good. Do Good.

Vote here for the cause that is dearest to your heart. 10% of every purchase will be catered towards local non-profit causes including eco-tourism and all that supports tourism for change and the preservation of the beauty of Bali and its people.

featured rescuer @skinsbuem

A Love Letter to BalI from the founder

I never thought I could love a place as deeply. Every time I speak of you my eyes tear up in gratitude and my heart moves with a vast intention to be of service to you in ways I never felt before. In the midst of an illness you held me like a sacred mother would. You showed me, initiated me and opened me up to the mystery of existence within and without. Above all, you remind me of love every day in all of its shades. I can write daily letters to you and still feel wordless at the sight of you as you still “nurse” me back to the depths of life and connection to all there is. This platform is guided by my heart and soul. It is for the empowerment and preservation of you. Even if it is a small fragment in comparison the majesty of you. This too is space that intends to echo your beauty, mysticism, wisdom, wellness, love, to the rest of the world.

Bali, this is from you and for you.

I love you, forever, endlessly.

Zeina <3