5 Ways Bali Changed my Life
Bali, Indonesia is in my eyes is the most sacred of lands - in every sense. There is natural magic on this island. Maybe that very magic is everywhere but here, in this place is palpable.
Full disclosure, I am Bali-biased. This land has served me with things I couldn’t have even imagined being served with. I am forever grateful the island and its people. The longer story is for a book but for now, here are some of “teachings” that the mother island has truly instilled within me:
- I am not an outsider
Bali has shown me that there IS another way to live. That way doesn’t have to be believed, approved or valued by anyone else than oneself.
- Being myself, kindly and unapologetically kindness and fierceness do co-exist.
- Embrace mystery
Befriending the unknown allows life to unfold as it brings about colors that one may never thought existed. There is richness in the darker tones just as much as the lighter ones.
- Acceptance:
Everyone does things their own way. Witness, send love and understand that we each are our own universe creating our self.
- Being the change:
Nature, animals, humans and the wisdom of the unseen are beautiful and all equally divine. Contribute to their well-being to best of your ability, in support of life while honoring oneself.
Has this island changed you in one way or another? Or maybe it’s shown you something that you’re ready to see? It doesn’t have to be with liking the place. This island is a heightened energy portal that gives a clear picture of that which may have seemed as otherwise unclear or hidden in one way or another.